
  • リリース時間:2023-05-08 10:17:36
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    ミンジャン,銅板,銅棒,銅管のつの主要な応用分野のうちつ:銅は建築業で各種のパイプ,パイプ,装飾装置として使用されている.Copper pipe has the characteristics of, and is the choice for the



Copper pipe has the characteristics of, and is the choice for the installation of water pipe, heat supply and refrigeration pipe.



マタモロAdvantages and scope of application of copper tube ground heating At present, ground heating is not only a comfortable heating method, but also a symbol of modern life quality. More and more houses, public buildings, sports facilities, industrial facilities and other places begin to use ground heating radiator, which is an important part of ground heating. Due to the corrosion resistance of copper, copper tubes are selected as the main material of radiator in many places.


At present, the fundamentals faced by the domestic copper bar market are still mixed. On the one hand the market supply is expected to shrink, but on the other hand, the northern market has entered the off-season of demand, and the markets expectation of future demand is pessimistic. In the short term, domestic steel prices will enter the operating track of range consolidation. To sum up, it is difficult for the steel market to make a breakthrough. As the th National Congress of the Communist of China is approaching, environmental protection phenomena such as steel mills are still going on, and black series speculation is still taking place. But personally, the fluuation range of the market in this region is limited, and businesses can operate flexibly on a short-term basis, that is, the annealing process is added compared with the hard copper tube. Annealing of copper tubes means that they are calcined in a high temperature furnace to change the arrangement of the elements in the copper tubes. However, the copper tubes will become soft, which makes it easier to bend. The copper tubes produced in this way are called soft copper tubes.

Corrosive agents such as calcium bicarbonate inositol hexaphosphate, silicon phosphate crystal, etc. are added to the water to regulate the PH value of the water and the corrosion symptoms.

重点分野の赤銅在庫は上昇を続けているが,全体的な圧力は大きくない.現在の主要配送センターの全体的な在庫状況を見ると,Wu安,江陰,楽従,在庫レベルは比較的温和を維持し,市場の圧力は相対的に小さい.Wu&# ;データによると月日現在,呉市中厚板の総在庫量,anは万トンに近く,毎週トン増加している.月下旬には,年内に万トン減少し,春節後の 高水準から万トン低下し,比較的穏やかなレベルに保たれていると言うべきだ.

コースパトロール主に発電機,バスバー,ケーブル,スイッチ設備,変圧器などの電気設備,及び熱交換器,配管と太陽熱加熱設備の平板集熱器などの熱伝導設備の製造に用いられる.般的な銅合金には,黄銅,青銅,白銅の種類があります.純銅板は赤紫色の金属で,通常は& ;quot;銅板& ;“&;quot;赤銅板& ;quot;または& ;quot;赤銅板& ;”;.


Lets elaborate on the advantages of copper pipe materials: copper pipe floor heating refers to a heating method that uses hot water as the thermal medium, circulates in the copper pipe heating pipe, heats the floor, and heats the floor through the ground in the form of radiation and convection heat transfer. I. The copper tube has fast heat dissipation effect and strong heat resistance. Even under the condition of high temperature water supply, the service life of the floor heating tube will not be affected. Two. Copper pipe is a metal pipe,ミンジャン2507ステンレス鋼板,o it is not easy to scratch. Therefore, it is not easy to leak. Three. High temperature resistance, high pressure resistance, relative to any ordinary plastic pipe. Copper tube floor is warm and resistant to high temperature and pressure. Four. Long service life. Five.



どうですかIt is said that due to the optimistic future and tight resources, some iron plants do not take orders temporarily. The steel mills in Liaoning have increased their enthusiasm for purchasing steel. The iron mills have delivered well, and the price of raw materials has risen, so the iron price has risen. The iron mills have a high enthusiasm for producing steel, so there is not much cast iron resources, and the price has risen. A few steel mills in Tangshan began to purchase a small amount of steel for smelting, and most steel mills are still on the lookout for inquiry. Under the background of increasing cost and gradual release of demand, the pig iron market is performing well and is expected to continue to operate strongly in the short term.

As the copper pipe is easy to process and connect, it can save materials and total cost, stability and reliability, and can save maintenance during installation.


ミンジャン他の地域の紫銅棒は基本的に唐山の価格動向に従い,ミンジャン316 Lステンレス鋼丸鋼,その中で江蘇製鉄所の価格はより高くなり,下流価格の大部分が要求され,全体的な市場取引は公平である.呉氏鋼工場アンは受注に制限があり,市場資源が逼迫している.ほとんどの商人は売りたくない.山西鋼片市場のオファーはまちまちで,取引を達成するのは難しい.下流の顧客は受注意欲が弱いため慎重に様子見の姿勢を持っている.あらかじめ現在,鉄鋼市場は& ;quot;ゴールド位& ;quot;シーズン.市場は将来の市場に対して良好な予想を持っており,唐山主流鋼片の価格はさらに高くなる見通しだ.

**の新データによると,年月,億万トンに達し中国の鉄鉱石輸入***は億トンの大台を突破し,過去 高を更新した.月~月,年間輸入量は億トンを超える見通しだ.しかし,国慶節後の輸入鉱石の出荷量を見ると,急速に低下しているため鉄鉱石価格の上昇に伴い,鉄鉱石価格指数は時ドルを割り込み,ミンジャンアルミニウム棒,輸入鉱石の出荷意欲を低下させた.また,環境保護検査がさらに厳しくなり,部の国内鉱山の供給に大きな影響が出ている.現在,国内鉱山の稼働率は前のピークよりポイント低く,将来的にはさらに低下する可能性がある.


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


  • 江蘇省ハイドロリックエレベータ認定された試験基準


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